How to Appreciate the Power of Silence

How to Appreciate the Power of Silence

When you identify silence as uncomfortable, allow yourself to understand why.

Silence seems like nothingness — a bleak place without a container. But silence doesn’t have to be gloomy, cold and unhappy. When you identify silence as uncomfortable, allow yourself to understand why. When you move past the anxiety of stillness, silence brings us opportunities for reflection , for change , for the perception of our interior. Listen to yourself in silence and you will understand what kind of internal dialogue you have with yourself.

When you have very active little voices in your mind, it is normal for you to feel silence as a driver of internal storms — with no other noise, your interior voice is magnified. In the silence, your interior experience is reflected in your body. I know what this is, I’ve also been through this internal turmoil , and I know it hurts. 

In the past, the pain of silence was so great that I didn’t allow myself to be alone. It was uncomfortable; “facing myself” hurt; facing my shadow was too heavy for me. But when I gradually allowed myself to get to know myself, and get to know in depth everything that bothered me, the process became lighter.

Silence brings you awareness , and awareness awakens you. Consciousness takes the fog out of our eyes and allows us to perceive things/situations with another clarity and another peace .

Don’t let your inner rumble dissipate in the midst of external noise. Stay alone, go out into nature , question yourself and wait for the answers, which only silence helps you to find.

Silence elevates us to states of inner peace and tranquility , brings us balance, so don’t be the barrier to your evolution, listen without background noise…

This post was originally published in Portuguese by Tânia Teixiera: “I am a lover of self-knowledge and mind power. Anxiety led me to a relentless search for strategies to be able to control it. I use writing to expose everything that I once hid, bringing to light my very own subjects, but I think, very much ours.” Find Tânia at

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